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12th Commerce – Reduced Syllabus 2021- 22 One Mark Questions and Answers

  12th commerce objectives Answers:- This is TN Samacheer Kalvi / TNSCERT/ Tamil Nadu State Board/ 12th Standard English Medium Commerce Reduced Syllabus – 2021 – 2022 One Mark / Objectives with Answers. 

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XII Std Commerce – Reduced Syllabus – One mark questions and answers

Choose the Correct answers

1. Management is what a does?

a) Manager                     b) Subordinate          c) Supervisor     d) Superior

2. Management is an _ _

a) Art           b) Science                c) Art and Science             d) Art or Science

3. Scientific management is developed by

a) Fayol               b) Taylor                 c) Mayo                    d) Jacob

4. Dividing the work into small tasks is known as

a) Discipline b) Unity             c) Division of work   d) Equity

5. With a wider span, there will be hierarchical

a)More  b) Less                     c) Multiple               d) Additional

6. Which is the primary function of management?

a) Innovating (b) Controlling        (c) Planning  (d) Decision-making

7. Which of the following is not a main function?

a) Decision-making (b) Planning            (c) Organising    (d) Staffing

8. Distribution of work in groupwise or sectionwise is called as     

a) Co – ordinating (b) Controlling        (c) Staffing               (d) Organising

9. Which of the following is verification function?

a) Planning    (b) Organising         (c) Staffing    (d) Controlling

10. System gives full Scope to the Individual Strength and

        (a) MBO                     (b) MBE        (c) MBM (d) MBA

11. Which is the First step in Process of MBO?.

a)Fixing Key Result Area (b) Appraisal of Activities    (c) Matching Resources with Activities  (d) Defining Organisational Objectives

12.keeps Management Alert to Opportunities and Threats by Identifying Critical Problems.

a) MBA (b) MBE        (c) MBM       (d) MBO

13. Delegation of Authority is Easily Done with the Help of .

a)MBM (b) MBE         (c) MBO     (d) MBA

14. Financial market facilitates business firms

a)To rise funds b) To recruit workers       c) To make more sales            d) To minimize fund requirement

15. Capital market is a market for

a) Short Term Finance b) Medium Term Finance  c ) Long Term Finance              d) Both Short Term and Medium Term Finance

16. Primary market is also called as

a) Secondary market b) Money market         c) New Issue Market  d) Indirect Market

17. Spot Market is a market where the delivery of the financial instrument and payment of cash occurs

a) Immediately b) In the future       c) Uncertain             d) After one month

18. How many times a security can be sold in a secondary market?

a) Only one time b) Two time     c) Three times        d) Multiple times

19. Capital market do not provide

a) Short term Funds b) Debenture Funds  c) Equity Funds d) Long term Funds

20. When the NSEI was established a) 1990         b) 1992       c) 1998         d) 1997

21. Primary market is a Market where securities are traded in the

a) First Time b) Second Time c) Three Time   d) Several Times

22. Participants in the capital market includes

a) Individuals b) Corporate c) Financial Institutions    d) All of the above

23. How many times a security can be sold in a secondary market?

a) Only One Time b) Two Time  c) Three Times  d) Multiple Times

24.The money invested in the call money market provides high liquidity with .

a) Low Profitability b) High Profitability  c) Limited Profitability d) Medium Profitability

25. A major player in the money market is the                        

a) Commercial Bank b) Reserve Bank of India     c) State Bank of India   d) Central Bank.

26. Money Market provides_ .

a) Medium-term Funds b) Short-term Funds       c) Long-term Funds d) Shares

27. Money Market Institutions are _ .

Investment Houses b) Mortgage Banks c) Reserve Bank of India                   d) Commercial Banks and Discount Houses.

28. Risk in the Money Market is .

a) High b) Market Risk        c) Low Credit and Market Risk      d) Medium Risk 

29. _____ is the oldest stock exchange in the

a) London Stock Exchange               b) Bombay Stock Exchange              c) National Stock Exchange     d) Amsterdam Stock Exchange

30. There are stock exchange in the country.      a) 21    b) 24               c) 20   d) 25

31. Stock exchanges deal in

a) Goods b) Services  c) Financial Securities   d) Country’s Currency

32. Stock exchange allow trading in

a) All types of Shares of any Company          b) Bonds issued by the Govt                c) Listed Securities                  d) Unlisted Securities

33. Jobbers transact in a stock exchange

a) For their Clients              b) For their Own Transactions          c) For other Brokers              d) For other Members

34. A pessimistic speculator is               a) Stag         b) Bear        c) Bull   d) Lame Duck

35. An optimistic speculator is             a) Bull         b) Bear         c) Stag  d) Lame duck

36. SEBI is empowered by the Finance ministry to nominate _ members on the Governing body of  every stock                a) 5     b) 3    c) 6     d) 7

37. The process of converting physical shares into electronic form is  called     

a) Dematerialisation b) Delisting   c) Materialisation    d) Debarring

38. Trading is dematerialized shares commenced on the NSE  is        

a) January 1996 b) June 1998 c) December 1996 d) December 1998

39.             was the first company to trade its shares in Demat

a) Tata Industries b) Reliance Industries   c) Infosys    d) Birla Industries

40.            enables small investors to participate in the investment on share capital of large companies.

a) Mutual Funds b) Shares    c) Debentures   d) Fixed deposits

41. PAN stands for      

a) Permanent Amount Number                   b) Primary Account Number              c) Permanent Account Number    d) Permanent Account Nominee

42. Human resource is a ——–                       a) Tangible     b) Intangible  c) Fixed d) Current

43. Human Resource management is both ——- —– and– –.

a) Science and art b) Theory and practice         c) History and Geography         d) None of the above

44. Planning is a———-

a) Selective    b) pervasive  c) both a and b       d) none of the above

45. Human resource management determines the—————

a) internal, external b) employer, employee   c) Owner, Servant d) Principle, Agent 

46. Labour turnover is the rate at which employees– the organisation

a) enter b) leave c) Salary       d) None of the above

47. Recruitment bridges gap between ———— — and—– — .

a) job seeker and job provider                   b) job seeker and agent         c) job provider and owner             d) owner and servant

48. Transfer is an———- source of          a)  internal b) external    c) outsourcing d) None of the above

49. The recruitment and Selection Process aimed at right kind of

a) At right people b) At right time  c) To do right things    d) All of the above

50. The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on——— and supervision

a) Training                         b)Recruitment                                        c) work quality        d) None of these

51. ———- refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build   a pool of qualified job applicants.

a) Selection b) Training              c) Recruitment     d) Induction

52. Selection is usually considered as a———– process

a) Positive      b) Negative            c) Natural                d) None of these

53. Which of the following test is used to measure the various characteristics of the candidate?

a) physical Test          b) Psychological Test    c) attitude Test d) Proficiency tests

54. Which of the following orders is followed in a typical selection process

a)application form test and or interview, reference check and physical examination

b) Application form test and or interview, reference check, and physical examination

c) Reference check, application form, test and interview and physical examination

d) physical examination test and on interview application term and reference check.

55) The purpose of an application blank is to gather information about the

a) Company   b) Candidate c) Questionnaire or Interview Schedule   d) Competitors

56. Vestibule training is provided

a) On the job b) In the class room   c) In a situation similar to actual  working environment    d) By the committee

57. Improves Skill Levels of employees to ensure better job performance

a)Training   b) Selection  c) Recruitment   d)  Performance appraisal

58. When trainees are trained by supervisor or by superior at the job is called

a) Vestibule training  b) Refresher training       c)         Role    play            d)Apprenticeship training

59. is useful to prevent skill obsolescence of employees

a) Training b) Job analysis   c) Selection         d) Recruitment

60. Training methods can be classified into training—- training

a) Job rotation and Job enrichment b) On the Job and Off the Job            c) Job analysis and Job design         d) Physical and mental

61. Case study method is———– type of

a) Only theoretical training b) Both theory and practical training              c) Hands on training d) Abservation Training

62. One who promotes (or) Exchange of goods or services for money is called as .

a) Seller b) Marketer           c) Customer             d) Manager

63. The marketer initially wants to know in the marketing is .

a) Qualification of the customer b) Quality of the product      c) Background of the customers d) Needs of the customers

64. The Spot market is classified on the basis of .

a) Commodity b) Transaction      c) Regulation     d) Time

65. Which one of the market deals in the purchase and sale of shares and debentures?

a) Stock Exchange Market b) Manufactured Goods Market         c) Local Market d) Family Market

66. The initial stage of Marketing system is…………………….

a) Monopoly system b) Exchange to Money           c) Barter system d) Self producing

67. Who is supreme in the Market?

a) Customer b) Seller                   c) Wholesaler   d) Retailer

68. In the following variables which one is not the variable of marketing mix?

a) Place Variable b) Product Variable c) Program Variable d) Price Variable

69. Marketing mix  means  a  marketing  program  that  is  offered  by  a  firm   to   its target    to earn profits through satisfaction of their

a) Wholesaler b) Retailer       c) Consumer d) Seller

70. Sale of Goods Act was passed in the year               a)1940 b)1997          c)1930         d)1960

71. Which of the below constitutes the essential element of contract of sale? a)Two parties b)Transfer of property    c)Price                                 d)All of the above

72. Which of the below is not a good?

a) Stocks          b)Dividend due c)Crops         d)Water

73. In case of the sale, the _ has the right to sell

a) Buyer b)Seller        c)Hirer          d)Consignee

74. The property in the goods means  the           a)Possession of goods                  b)Custody of goods

75. Negotiable Instrument Act was passed in the year    . 1981   b. 1881             c. 1994          d. 1818

76. Negotiable Instrument is freely transferable by delivery if it is a _ _

a) Order Bearer                c. Both a & b     d. None of the above

77. The transferee of a Negotiable Instrument is the one _

a) Who transfer the instrument       b) On whose name it is transferred      c) Who enchases it            d. None of the above

78. Number of parties in a bill of exchange are 2     b. 6     c. 3      d. 4  

79. Section 6 of Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 deals with

a) Promissory Note b) Bills of exchange c. Cheque    d. None of the above

80.       _ cannot be a bearer

a) Cheque         b) Promissory Note   c. Bills of exchange   d. None of the above

81. When crossing restrict further negotiation

a) Not negotiable crossing                        b) General Crossing           c) A/c payee crossing d. Special crossing

82. Which endorsement relieves the endorser from incurring liability in the event of dishonour

a) Restrictive         b) Faculative       c. Sans recourse        d. Conditional

83. A cheque will become stale after months of its date: a) b. 4    c. 5     d. 1

84. Document of title to the goods exclude

a) Lorry receipt                          b) Railway receipt               c. Airway bill   d. Invoice

85. Choose the type of entrepreneur that isn’t based on function:

a) Innovative                   b) Classical               c. Fabian                 d. Drone

86. Choose the type of Entrepreneur that is not based on Motivation:

a) Pure                      b) Corporate            c. Spontaneous     d. Induced

87. Which of the following is the Activity of a Business Entrepreneur?

a) Production                 b) Marketing            c. Operation             d. All of the above

88. Find the odd one out in context of Trading

a) Selling                          b) Commission          c. Buying                  d. Manufacturing

89. Corporate Entrepreneur is also called as  

a) Intrapreneur                           b) Promoter             c. Manager             d. Shareholder

90. Entrepreneur Supply Services

a) Hoteliers                        b) Banking                c. Airlines                 d. Livestock

91. Motive of a Pure Entrepreneur is

a) Rendering service                    b) Earning profit     c. Attaining status  d. Both b & c

92. Which of these is based on Technology?

a) Modern                     b) Professional        c. Corporate           d. Industrial

93. Which of the below is not a Characteristic of a Fabian Entrepreneur?

a) Conservative                   b) Risk averse c. Sceptical               d. Adaptive

94. Mention the status of a Company Secretary in a

a) A member b) A director c) An independent            d) An employee contractor

95. Who can become a secretary for a company?

a)Individual person     b) Partnership firm  c) Co-operative societies  d) Trade unions

96. Which meeting will be held only once in the life time of the company?

a) Statutory b) Annual General  c) Extra – ordinary     d) Class General

97. Board Meetings to be conducted minimum __ times in a year. a) 2   b) 3   c) 4           d) 5

98. Who is not entitled to speak at the annual general meeting of the

          a)Auditor    b) Shareholder      c) Proxy          d) Directors

99. Which director need not hold qualifying

a) Directors appointed to Central Government

b) Directors appointed to

c) Directors appointed to Managing  Director

d) Directors appointed to Board of Directors

100. What is the statue of Directors who regulate money of the

a) Banker (b) Holder         (c) Agent           (d) Trustees


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